Is Egypt safe to visit?

Egypt is very safe to visit and the police, tourist police, and army are in prominence wherever you go, giving you a feel of being in secure surroundings. Egypt prides itself on its high safety record for tourists and will do all it can to maintain this.

Is it safe for women to travel alone?

Many women travel alone and have found that they have been safe. The police, tourist police, and army are always close by and the Egyptians themselves are generally safe and will try to protect solo travelers.

How do I get my tourist visa?

Usually, you need to apply to your local Egyptian Embassy or Consulate General for a pre-entry tourist visa but if you are from North America, Western Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Brazil/Argentina or Hong Kong/Japan/Macau/Malaysia or Singapore you can get your tourist visa upon arrival in Egypt.

How do I get my tourist visa if I live in a different country to that of my passport?

If you hold a residence permit in the country you live in you can apply to the Egyptian Embassy/Consulate General in that country, otherwise, you have to apply to the country that issued your passport.

I am staying at a resort in the Sinai; can I visit Cairo or Luxor?

Though many nationalities are exempt from requiring a visa for the many Sinai resorts, a full tourist visa is required if you come to any place in Egypt that lies to the west of the Red Sea/Suez Canal.

Can my tourist visa be extended to more than one month?

A tourist visa can be extended if required. To do this you have to apply to Mogamma, in Tahrir Square, or to the equivalent offices in Alexandria, Luxor, Hurghada or Sharm El-Sheikh

Do I have to stay in my hotel after the day’s tour has ended?

No, definitely not, and we would encourage you to go out and enjoy the culture of Egypt. Many packages are full board, which tends to make people think they have to stay imprisoned in their hotel, but the sites and sounds of Sharm ELsheikh, Hurghada and Cairo, especially, are too great to be missed. Why stay in the same hotel, with the same faces, when you could go out and have your dinner on a cruise boat sailing around Zamalek Island, accompanied by either a belly dancer or a Whirling Dervish; or sometimes both. This is your holiday, so enjoy every minute and get out and explore.

I have some expensive items which I do not want to leave lying in my room/cabin, what should I do?

All hotels and cruises have safety deposit boxes, sometimes even in your room/cabin. All you need do is ask at reception and they will give you instructions on how to use them, or will safely put away your valuables until you need them.

Do I need to take anti-malaria tablets/injections?

NO!! Malaria has not been in Egypt for well over 85 years and there is no need for any type of anti-malaria medication. To be honest, it is quite the obverse as any types of anti-malaria medication can actually cause side effects that will simply ruin your holiday. Just because Egypt is in Africa does not mean malaria is here as well.

Can I bring prescribed medication with me?

Yes, but please ensure that you only bring enough for your stay, with just a few day’s extra supplies as a backup. It would also help if you could bring the prescription as well, as proof, or for topping up (there are many pharmacies in Egypt that can do this for you). If you happen to be traveling onwards from Egypt, and so have a lot more of your prescribed medicine with you, please ensure that you do have the prescription as proof.

How should I dress for entering a mosque (male)?

The protocol does ask for men to wear long trousers as opposed to shorts, though Egyptians are used to the latter being worn and so say nothing, or little if it occurs.

 How should I dress for entering a mosque (female)?

The protocol does ask for women to cover bare skin as much as possible and so shoulders, especially, should be covered and a simple scarf will suffice. Again, it is advised to wear long trousers, or skirts, as legs should also be covered. Heads do not need to be covered, despite what some tourist books say, though it is a sign of respect if you do this.

What clothes should I wear walking around towns?

When walking around the towns, dress as you would for a hot summer’s day back home. Shorts and t-shirts are actually worn by many locals.

What clothes should I wear when visiting sites?

This really depends on which site you are visiting and at what time of the day. Some offer little shade and so you should ensure that you do not have too much skin available for the sun to burn (the Giza Pyramids, in the afternoon, is a prime example of this). Temples are well shaded so you do not have to cover so much, but remember that even though they are shaded well, tombs tend to accumulate the heat from the sun as well as the many visitors, so try to wear something lightweight in them, especially cotton fabrics. Though many people like to wear open-toed sandals, please note that many of the floors are exceedingly unlevel and so it can be easy to stub your toes. Ladies, please do not wear high heels; not only can you easily break them, they can also become trapped between the large stones in flooring, and you will also find you will tend to slip and slide on the stone. High heels and sand are not the best partners either as the heels will sink in (you may laugh, but many ladies do insist on wearing high heels).

Can I use my credit/debit cards easily?

Yes. Most places accept these nowadays, including all decent hotels and cruises. You are advised to carry cash when shopping in the many street markets (souks) through the larger malls, and street shops can accept plastic.

Are there plenty of ATM’s?

Almost every bank has an ATM outside it, or just inside the front doors, and you will normally find that they are guarded by a policeman. Many shopping malls have to stand alone ATM’s and you can also find them located along a busy pavement (sidewalk), or where two busy pavements meet. Airports and railway stations also have ATM’s as do the larger tour company offices.

 What voltage does Egypt have, and what kind of plugs?

Egypt has a voltage supply of 220V and the plugs are the 2 round pin type that is common throughout Europe (except the UK).

 Can you purchase alcohol in Egypt?

Yes, alcohol is available in Egypt, either in the better hotels, higher class restaurants and cafes, pubs, and beer gardens. You will also find off-licenses as well. Please note though, it is illegal to drink alcohol in the streets in Egypt

Do you have more questions? Contact us! We will get an answer to your question with every help we can do to make your trip enjoyable.